Senin, 05 November 2012

403 error while installing app from google play

Hi guys, have you ever experienced this problem? Yes, i think this is my problem too. Okay, i have search this from xda developer android forum and i found the solution.
First, i want to share my problem to you. My HH is sony ericsson xperia pro. Sometimes, i have no problem installing some applications. But, after many times i want to download application from google play store, i cant download it. It has showing a message "[App Name] could not downloaded due to an error. (403)".

After i had search this message to forum, here the result.

He/She said guys CMIIW error 403 is a problem with proxy my sugestions is try restore the old default apn and clear the proxy in setting save and reboot hope it will work.

Ok, this is step by step for implement their opinion :
  1. In the home screen, press "Setting ~> Wireless & networks ~> Mobile networks"
  2. Select Access Point Names ~> then select your APN's setting. (example : my APN is 3 WAP)
  3. Make sure your Proxy in APN setting is (clear proxy setting)

  4. Done!!!

In some handsets if the problem still persists

do the same procedure and at
Acess Point Names
(Remember that this is only after following the above steps and rebooting the device)
Reset to Default 

These originally info i got from 
Finnally, again i say very-very sorry for my bad english.. :D But sometimes, i believe that i can speak and write english clearly. Thanks for your attendance. I'm very appreciate for your suggestion. 
FaNz'S blog.. just shared anything in my mind.. ^-^

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Sabtu, 03 November 2012

How to Create Chat Box in the Upper Right Corner

Time to share again and again from my mind. He he he.. Sorry for my bad english. Ya namanya juga masih belajar cuma bermodalkan nekat dan nulis di blog sendiri juga. :p (Yes, i'm still learning and just capitalize reckless then write on my own blog. :p). In this time, i will to explain you "How to Create Chat Box in the Upper Right Corner". Base on my experience, cieee experience meni gaya.. wkwkwkw. Lets get started

1. First, add this code to gadget HTML/Javascript in the blogger.

<style type="text/css">
* html #gb{position:relative;}

   background:url('') no-repeat;
   border:2px solid #A5BD51;

<script type="text/javascript">
   function showHideGB(){
      var gb = document.getElementById("gb");
      var w = gb.offsetWidth;
      gb.opened ? moveGB(0, 30-w) : moveGB(20-w, 0);
      gb.opened = !gb.opened;
   function moveGB(x0, xf){
      var gb = document.getElementById("gb");
      var dx = Math.abs(x0-xf) > 10 ? 5 : 1;
      var dir = xf>x0 ? 1 : -1;
      var x = x0 + dx * dir; = x.toString() + "px";
      if(x0!=xf){setTimeout("moveGB("+x+", "+xf+")", 10);}

<div id="gb">

<div class="gbtab" onclick="showHideGB()"> </div>

<div class="gbcontent">

<!-- your Chat Box HERE -->

<!-- end Chat Box -->

<script type="text/javascript">
var gb = document.getElementById("gb"); = (30-gb.offsetWidth).toString() + "px";

2. Second step, you are create your own Chat Box. For example : check this link
Just sign up, then get your free Cbox.

After you get the code, then paste into the code above after your Chat Box HERE before end Chat Box. Tralalaaa, your own CBox in the upper right Corner just created. Waduh, parah pisan bahasa inggris nya. Kalo ada yang bisa review postingan blog ini dan ngasih saran untuk kata-kata yang lebih baik, saya akan sangat appreciate sekali dengan anda. Cukup email kan atau komentar dibawah. Mari kita belajar sama-sama, saya ada ilmu lebih kita bagikan dan pelajari sama-sama, Anda ada info mari kita rundingkan bersama-sama juga. :)

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Useful Shortcut for Visual Studio 2010

This is useful shortcut for Visual Studio 2010. Yes, sangat berguna sekali teman-teman. Terutama  bagi yang sedang mendevelop aplikasi, c#, dan lain-lain. Copas juga sih, tapi apa salahnya juga kalau saya berbagi pengalaman. Karena ilmu itu semakin bertambah jika kita memberikannya pada orang lain.

Ok, kita langsung saja berikut ini adalah shortcut-shortcut yang bisa digunakan di Ms Visual Studio 2010. Check this out. ^-^

1. Manage Visual Studio
Ctrl+sSave current file
Ctrl+Shift+sSave all files
Ctrl+Shift+nCreate new project
Ctrl+oOpen file
Ctrl+Shift+oOpen project
Ctrl+Shift+aAdd item to project
EscClose menu or dialog
Shift+Alt+EnterToggle full screen mode
Ctrl+f4Close current tab
Ctrl+f6/Ctrl+Shift+f6Go to next / go to previous window
Ctrl+Tab, then Arrow keysPress and hold Ctrl+Tab, then using arrow keys gives a small task manager with all open files and views

▲ up

minus2. Bookmarks
For keystrokes with two keys such as Ctrl+k+k, keep holding the Ctrl key until releasing the last key.
Ctrl+k+kToogle bookmark
Ctrl+k+nGoto next bookmark
Ctrl+k+pGoto previous bookmark
Ctrl+Shift+k+nGoto next bookmark in folder
Ctrl+Shift+k+pGoto previous bookmark in folder
Ctrl+k+wPut focus on bookmark window
EscLeave bookmark window and focus on editor
Ctrl+k+hToggle code shortcut at current line*
Ctrl + K + LClear all bookmarks
*if somebody figures out additional shortut keys on how to use code shortcuts, please edit this page and add.
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minus3. Code Editor
minusFind, Replace, and Goto
Ctrl+fFind and replace dialog box
f3/Shift+f3Find next / find previous
Ctrl+hDisplay Replace options on the quick tab
Shift+f12Find all references for selected symbol
Ctrl+Shift+fFind in files
Alt+F3sStop current find in files operation
Ctrl+F3/Ctrl+Shift+f3Find next / find previous in selected text
Alt+F12Find symbol
Ctrl+dPut cursor in find/command box of the toolbar. Use ctrl+/ in Visual C#
Ctrl+i/Ctrl+Shift+iIncremental search / reverse incremental search
Shift+Alt+f12Quick find symbol
Ctrl+,Display Navigate-To dialog box
Ctrl+gGoto line number
Ctrl+]Go to matching brace in source file
minusUndo, Redo, Copy, Paste
Ctrl+x, Ctrl+x, Ctrl+vCut, copy, paste
Ctrl+Shift+vPastes an item from the Clipboard ring
Ctrl+yRedo (or Shift+Alt+Backspace, or Ctrl+Shift+Z)
minusSelect Text
Shift+Arrow KeysExtend selection one character/one line
Ctrl+Shift+End/Ctrl+Shift+HomeExtend selection to end / to beginning of document
Ctrl+Shift+]Extend selection to nexst brace
Shift+EndShift+HomeExtend selection to end / to beginning of line
Shift+Page Down/Shift+Page UpExtends selection down one page / up one page
Ctrl+wSelect current word
EscCancel Selection
Ctrl+Shift+Page Down/Page UpMoves cursor and extend selection to the last line / first line in view.
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow right/arrow leftExtend selection one word to the right / one word to the left
Ctrl+aSelect All
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minus4. Coding
minusCollapse Items
Ctrl+m+mCollapse / un-collapse current preset area (e.g. method)
Ctrl+m+hCollpase / hide current selection
Ctrl+m+oCollapse declaration bodies
Ctrl+m+aCollapse all
Ctrl+m+xUncollapse all
Ctrl+mctrl+tCollapse Html tag
minusEdit Code
Ctrl+lDelete current line or selection of lines to and add to clipboard
Ctrl+Shift+lDelete current line or selection of lines
Ctrl+DeleteDelete word to right of cursor
Ctrl+BackspaceDelete word to left of cursor
Ctrl+EnterEnter blank line above cursor
Ctrl+Shift+EnterEnter blank line below cursor
Ctrl+Shift+uMake uppercase
Ctrl+uMake lowercase (reverse upercase)
Ctrl+k+cComment selected text
Ctrl+k+uUncomment selected text
Ctrl+k+\Remove white space and tabs in selection or around current cursor position
Ctrl+k+dFormat document to code formatting settings
Ctrl+k+fFormat selection to code formatting settings
Ctrl+Shift+spaceDisplay parameter required for selected method
Ctrl+Shift+8Visualize whitespace (or press Ctrl+r, then Ctrl+w)
Ctrl+k+dFormat document to code formatting settings
Ctrl+k+fFormat selection to code formatting settings
Ctrl+Shift+tTranspose word to right of cursor; makes b=a out of a=b if cursor was in front of a
Ctrl+tTranspose character left and right of cursor; cursor between ab would make ba
Shift+Alt+tTranspose line: Move line below cursor up and current line down.
minusIntelliSense and Code Helper
Ctrl+SpaceAutocomplete word from completion list (or alt+right arrow)
Ctrl+Shift+SpaceShow parameter info
Ctrl+f12Display symbol definition
f12Display symbol declaration
Ctrl+jOpen IntelliSense completion list
▲ up

minus5. Build and Debug
f7Build solution (or Ctrl+shift+b)
Ctrl+Alt+f7Rebuild solution
Ctrl+breakCancel build process
Ctrl+\+eShow error list
f9Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl+bInsert new function breakpoint
f5Start debugging
f11Debug / step into
f10Debug / step over
Shift+f11Debug / step out
Ctrl+f10Debug / run to cursor
Ctrl+Alt+qShow Quickwatch window
Ctrl+Shift+f10Set current statement to be the next executed
Alt+* (on numeric keyboard)Show nexst statement
Ctrl+Alt+eShow Exception dialog box
Ctrl+f11Toggle between disassembly and user code view
Shift+f5Stop Debugging
Ctrl+f5Bypass debugger
Ctrl+Alt+pShow attach to process window
Ctrl+Alt+breakBreak all executing threads
▲ up

minus6. Tool Windows
Ctrl+/Put cursor in the find/command box in toolbar
Ctrl+k+bOpen code snippet manager window
Alt+f11Open macro IDE window
Ctrl+k+wOpen bookmark window
Ctrl+Alt+kOpen call hierarchy window
Ctrl+Shift+cOpen class view window
Ctrl+Alt+aOpen Command window
Ctrl+Shift+oOpen Output window
Ctrl+Shift+eOpen Resource view window
Ctrl+Alt+sOpen Server explorer window
Ctrl+Shift+lOpen Solution explorer window
Shift+EscClose Find & Replace Window
▲ up

sumber :
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